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Metaverse: discover the universe of virtual reality

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Jul 8, 2024

Metaverse: discover the universe of virtual reality

If you've made it this far, first of all we want to welcome you to the new era of the Internet. Yes, the future has arrived and the virtual world as you know it today has changed thanks to the emergence of Metaverse.

One of the biggest trends in the world, the Metaverse, has arrived to transform the user's way of communicating and even consuming. Speaking like that, it seems difficult to imagine that a tool can do all of this, right?

But, the reality is that the Metaverse has arrived to revolutionize, including in the Digital Market and we will prove it to you. Continue reading this post and discover how new technology can contribute to your strategy in the virtual universe.


In this post you will check out:

What is Metaverse?

Rise of the Metaverse

Metaverse: a new world of opportunities for business!

The growth of digital products!

Immersion in the customer experience!

What is the relationship between the Metaverse and NFT?

What are the trends in the Metaverse?

Virtual Assistant

Development of universes

Entertainment in the Metaverse

Hyper-realistic avatars


At this point, you must be wondering what Metaverse is. If this is a new subject for you, this is the right post! In the next topic, we will explain more about the new technology and show how the tool can be your great ally.

What is Metaverse?

Remember when The Sims came out? The game was the rage of the moment and the greatest form of user interaction with the digital universe. At that time, it seemed difficult to imagine that virtual reality would go beyond that. But the truth is that this was a small sample of what was to come: the Metaverse

In practice, the Metaverse is a more immersive virtual reality that is closer to the real world. It's a kind of extension of our lives, but in an increasingly realistic digital universe.

The first step in this universe is to create your avatar, you can customize it as you prefer and even buy accessories to complement your look.

Afterwards, justStart your life in the digital universe. For a more immersive experience, the user can interact with friends, carry out daily activities, make a purchase and even enjoy a moment of leisure or go to a show.

More like this:

Rise of the Metaverse

After Mark Zuckerberg's statement announcing that Facebook would change to Meta and invest more in the virtual universe, Metaverse gained even more prominence among companies.

After all, if one of the biggest platforms was investing even more in virtual reality, it clearly deserved attention. As a consequence, big brands began to invest more and more in virtual reality, launching their avatars or even services within this universe.

According to a survey carried out by Flex Interativa, between November 2021 and February 2022, the interest of companies through virtual reality grew 750%. Among the companies Investing in the Metaverse are Disney, Nike, Adidas, Microsoft and Epic Games.

Metaverse: a new world of opportunities for business!

Ok, now that you understand what the Metaverse is and discovered that there are many companies adhering to technological advancements, you may be wondering what the advantages of the tool are for you. After all, how does the Metaverse apply to your company?

The growth of digital products!

To answer your question, you don't even have to go far. Remember when we talked about avatar customization? Okay, the advantages of the Metaverse start there.

With the simulation of clothes, shoes, accessories and various items from our daily lives, Metaverse opens up a range of possibilities for companies to expand their business and sell products online.

An example of this is Meta's partnership with the famous brands Balenciaga and Prada, which invested in a collection of luxury items in the digital market.

Now you might be thinking: "Is there a large audience that consumes these products online?"And the answer is yes! OUsers are increasingly willing to invest in digital items to have a personalized experience and the numbers prove this!

Between November 22nd and 28th alone, The Sandbox, an online game, generated around US$ 86.5 million from the sale of virtual land. Within this new universe of The Sandbox, it is not just land that is valued. A yacht was sold for 3.65 million reais within the Metaverse.

Immersion in the customer experience!

In addition to expanding business opportunities in the virtual market and building a new horizon of digital products, Metaverse improves the customer experience in the purchasing process.

With the use of virtual reality, companies have the opportunity to make the consumer journey even more immersive and involve them with their brand. So that you can understand better, let's use the example of Fiat. The company launched an AR Commerce tool, where the user can view the brand's new car in full size and have the feeling of seeing it in their garage.

And speaking of big brands, Gucci also invested in virtual reality fitting rooms so that its customers can see the pieces before buying them. Can you now see how this technology contributes to the experience of the customer?

By having a sample of your product, Even if virtually, the consumer has a more interactive experience and connects with your brand, as a consequence, This process facilitates and speeds up your purchasing journey.

Metaverse: discover the universe of virtual reality blog

What is the relationship between the Metaverse and NFT?

In the end, What is NFT? The non-fungible token is an asset in the virtual world with the aim of ensuring the originality of digital items. In practice, it is like a certificate that proves authenticity.

Within the Metaverse, the NFT It adds value to your digital items and is used as a form of negotiation. If you have an item with this seal, you can sell it and make a lot of profit.

Do you know what until we mentioned it throughout this post? It is one of the most expensive NFTs in the worldMetaverse, but whoever bought it is guaranteed an exclusive and original item. On the entire Internet, there is no other like it.

At this point, you can already see that the Metaverse is a promising market with a vast field of negotiation, whether you want to sell or buy.

What are the trends in the Metaverse?

And of course we couldn't talk about Metaverse without mentioning the future trends which promise to move and speed up this process even further. Next, We have separated four trends that you need to know about.

Virtual Assistant

When the subject is the future of Metaverso, this promises to be a strong trend. On the rise, virtual assistants with artificial intelligence can be used by companies from different segments to facilitate the user journey.

Within the digital universe, the customer can interact with the virtual assistant, ask questions or even make a purchase. To make this process even more immersive, virtual assistants will be even more customizable, realistic and with natural language processing.

Development of universes

There is no doubt that the creation of virtual worlds is a strong trend! This year, We have already had several companies investing in the creation of avatars and digital worlds, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The reality is that the future of this digital world is promising and the expectations are that more and more companies will invest in creating their universe, offering personalized services and interacting with users within it.

Entertainment in the Metaverse

Another big trend in the Metaverse is online events. With practicality, flexibility and convenience, the new tool allows users to attend events, presentations and even shows, without even leaving home.

In fact, this strong trend is already a reality among us. This year, we had shows broadcast on Metaverse with big names in international and national music, such as, for example, by singer Emicida who was invited by Epic Games.

Hyper-realistic avatars

One of the key pieces for the Metaverse, avatars, are increasingly personalized and interactive. But, to make the experience even more immersive, the trend for the coming years is for avatars to be increasingly hyper-realistic.

With the use of Artificial Intelligence, the objective is to create more humanized avatars, with characteristics and movements closer to real life, as well, maximizing the user experience in this digital universe.

At this point, You can already tell that the Metaverse is here to stay, right? And with so many new developments, it’s time to pay attention to using these trends to your advantage.

And speaking of the virtual universe, do you know how to stand out in this competitive market? Find out in our last post the importance of innovation in the competitive digital market and what trends for the coming years.

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