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The value of offline marketing in the education marketing

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

May 18, 2023

The value of offline marketing in the education marketing - 4revops

For some time now, it seems that all marketing strategy is directed to the online environment, and we end up forgetting the value of marketing off-line. Has this ever happened to you?

When we talk about educational marketing, inevitably, it is necessary to adapt our strategies to the online model, but that does not mean that we have forgotten the off or that it is not effective. The question is only in the objectives for which we use the different strategies.

In any case, we continue to reap excellent results with marketing strategies off-line, especially in face-to-face teaching, which is basically related to those who live close to the teaching institution.

What will you see in this post?

So that you no longer have doubts whether you should invest in on or off media, In this post, we are going to show how the education market can use “traditional” communication to attract more students. Here we go?

Online and offline media, what's the difference?

The difference between on and off media is mainly in the means of communication where the media are disseminated. We can say that off-media is what we do without the help of the internet, while on-media is dependent on the internet to function.

That is, while the off-media publicizes the brand and actions generally in specific regions through pamphlets, magazines, newspapers, radio, tv and even banners and billboards, the on-media has a practically global reach through the internet, they are websites, blogs, social networks, etc.

Which of the two is better: media on or off?

Between media on and media off on the educational market, the answer to this question is the classic: it depends on your goal.

Both types of media have their advantages and disadvantages, so having a marketing strategy well-structured and that understands the objectives of your institution, as well as the desired target audience.

In this case, it is interesting to study the public, the actions and the possible results that each strategy can bring.

Although nowadays, digital seems to be the most obvious strategy to be followed, think that a good off action with the right investment, may just be the differentiation that will take your institution's name to the right audience.

Off-media also offers the opportunity from lead experience, a unique experience that strengthens your brand's branding.

So that you can see that offline media should not be excluded from your marketing planning, here are some interesting points you should be aware of:

Television remains at the top of the most consumed media in Brazil

According to a survey carried out by Kantar IBOPE Media, "the big screen" is still the favorite device for video consumption. According to the survey, 92% of the public still prefer to consume videos on television.

This same study reveals that 6% of respondents watch video content at home, 33% of them consume exclusive content from TV channels while 21% of the public is divided between online and offline consumption on typical days.

That is, after work, resting in front of the television is still the way out for many Brazilians. Although the challenge is a little greater to capture the attention of the future consumer, there is still a lot of space for off-air media on television.

The tip here is: be sure to invest in television as a communication channel with your audience. It is one of the most efficient vehicles for reinforcing your institution's brand value and awakening the interest of future students in your courses, fees and infrastructure.

Events move, bring together and generate opportunities

The pandemic prevented physical contact between people for a long time and after the rules were relaxed, we could almost hear a cry for freedom.

You events medium and large events in the business world have been timidly returning to happen, and the high point is the speed with which tickets are sold. There's no denying it: events are still great business opportunities.

In-person events are still on the list of offline marketing strategies that usually generate good results in the education market. Both events aimed at students and those aimed at generating business.

Career fairs, meetings, symposiums, student days are some examples of events that your educational institution can promote to attract and engage future students.

Events have great potential to bring new leads into your institution, as during these meetings, it is easier to talk about the benefits, infrastructure, faculty, teaching quality and even delight this potential student with some experience that sends it to your institution.

Events also contribute to strengthening your brand and fostering opportunities. Partnerships are formed in this type of event, as well as the exchange of experiences and successful cases, which can serve as input for you to improve your own educational strategies.

Veja também:

Networking continues to accelerate business

Marketing offline is simpler than you might think and, without a doubt, the networking generated through off events is one of the keys to success for companies and institutions.

Had a business meeting? Hand out a business card to those present. Even if you think that physical cards are not an option, create a QR code! They are a great option for not accumulating paper and already putting your contact in the person's cell phone agenda.

It's hard to imagine how such a simple piece of communication can foster new business, but the truth is that it has great power. When creating a QR code, use your name + something that refers to what you do, as it will help the person a lot to reinforce who you are.

Surely, you have heard about events called “business roundtables”. They are based exactly on exchanging business cards. A group of businessmen get together, each one talks briefly about their educational institution and value proposition, contacts are exchanged with those who make sense and the conversation continues after the event.

Each round, group members move to another table, so you leave with contacts and ready to add value to your business.

Actions with the community strengthen the brand

Recently, we talked here on the blog about the importance of knowing how to sell your brand. One of the tips given was to discover or rediscover your purpose. Well then: share your purpose with society, developing actions with the community surrounding your educational institution.

For example: put undergraduate students in Psychology to carry out service to the community. Create a dental office for free service, introducing students to the practice of the profession and also contributing to generate value for society.

This type of attitude helps build the strength of your brand, increases the institution's reputation and makes people more engaged with the educational institution.

A child who was treated at the dental office, for example, will feel compelled to study at your institution years later. In addition, your educational institution will always be in the focus of the local press, conquering a captive space within the mass communication vehicles.

Define your strategies for educational marketing, always balancing between online and offline, this is the secret to strengthening your brand even more in the minds of your potential students and all your institution's stakeholders.

Also, since we talk so much about the importance of videos, how about understanding a little more about How does audiovisual content work in inbound marketing?

Audiovisual and Inbound Marketing

Happy reading and until next time!

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