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How to retain customers? Understand how the CRM can help you!

Guillermo Tângari
Guillermo Tângari

Feb 2, 2022

How to retain customers? Understand how the CRM can help you!

How to retain customers

For a company to succeed, it’s necessary to have financial stability. That way, it’s fundamental to keep a purchase recurrence.  This recurrence is called “purchase predictability” and it means a stable income.

However, what just a few people know is that the best way to reach this stability is through customer relationships, particularly in the after-sales, after all, loyal customers consume frequently. That’s why it's important to learn how to retain them to have success in your business.

That said, Mkt4edu made a special content for you to learn the customers retention and purchase predictability strategies for your business using the CRM. Check out now!

What is CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy and a tool. Its purpose is to cooperate with the sales team and optimize the marketing team’s work so the customer will always be satisfied.

So, with the CRM software it’s possible to store all the customer data and service background, to schedule and organize tasks, segment leads inside the purchase funnel, see business opportunities, have an analytic vision, develop marketing and sales strategies and much more.

That’s why, the company that has a CRM in its strategy also has a sales team prepared to offer an organized, quick and personalized service with an effective approach. Then, this tool can increase the purchases and satisfy customers ensuring their retention.

Now you already understand what the CRM is, so it’s time to learn how to use the software resources in your customer retention strategies and to be acquainted with the marketing processes to improve your purchase predictability.

How to retain customers with CRM and the marketing strategies

With a strategy and tool that puts your customers as the focus of your business and increases the marketing and sales teams productivity, it’s easier to retain customers and even make them promoters of your brand. That is very important because it ensuring the purchase predictability and reduces costs, once retaining a customer costs five times less than earning a new one. So, check out the CRM functions to succeed your business.

Read too:

Wide vision of the processes

One of the CRM benefits is gathering in one place all the customer relationship’s data, besides allowing the employees of different teams to have the generated information. That’s why, both the managers of the sales and marketing teams can have a wide vision of the processes.

That way, it’s possible to track the team’s actions, analyse which areas need improvements, align the marketing and sales strategies and make more effective decisions. What it means is that having a wide vision of the processes prepares the company to attend the customers efficiently and ensuring their retention.

Strategic Planning Efficiency

The CRM tool offers trustable and updated data to an efficient strategic planning. Thus, with the information processed by the software it’s possible to understand the behavior and buying practices of the customers to work with an effective marketing automation.

Then, with the obtained data it’s possible to identify a business opportunity, send exclusive offers to motivate the customer to buy again and much more smart strategies to retain the customers.

Update and task control

The CRM gathers and organizes the tasks to be done by the sales team. That’s why the salesperson will always know the right moment to contact the customer, how to approach them, which product they will offer, the customer background and much more.

So, with updating and task control, the salesperson never forget a deed with the customer, promoting a great relationship and ensuring the customer retention that will always be satisfied.

Great amount of purchases

The CRM is a crucial piece to increase the purchases in a company. After all, the strategy and all the available resources in the software are willing to satisfy the customer, providing a great amount of sealed deals.

Besides that, increasing the amount of loyal customers, the company will also have a word of mouth promotion, which is essential to increase the purchases. Another reason which customer retention strategies represent the increase of purchases is that the loyal customers come back and purchase frequently.

Marketing Automation Efficiency

With CRM, the marketing automation strategy is more efficient. After all, it’s possible to gather - in a single suite - the lead capture process automation, the creation of campaigns and sales and upsells actions, the purchase funnel automation and, of course, the customer retention work. 

That way, Mkt4edu uses CRM to segment leads according to the way each of them were attracted, starts working with segmented nurturing, attracting the customer to the purchase funnel and begins a lead qualification process until reaching the purchase goal. Besides that, after the customer purchases, the software creates evasion predictives and tracks each customer individually every time something indicates an evasion.

Therefore, automation is an efficient marketing strategy when using the CRM, besides being fundamental to purchases and customer retention. So, using the CRM tool and marketing strategies properly, the company can increase the purchases and earn loyal customers.

Now you know how to retain customers and reach the purchase predictability to ensure the financial stability of your business, reduce costs and increase the profit.

Customer retention is one of the benefits of the CRM! Do you want to know more? Read now the 8 essential tips to improve your CRM! Check out now!

The 8 essential tips to improve  your CRM. Check out now!

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The world changes all the time and technology is no different! Here at Mkt4Edu, technology is in our DNA, we work with many different softwares to make the whole process of automation and artificial intelligence work more efficiently and achieve more results.

Here, new softwares are tested all the time. Modern tools and new functionalities are tested all the time, there were already more than 200 tests so you can have the best result in your institution.

From customer acquisition to retention: Mkt4edu can make the difference in your marketing operation.


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