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How to retain and capture customers through audiovisual content

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Jan 30, 2023

How to retain and capture customers through audiovisual - Revops

If you've been following our posts here on the blog, you've noticed that this month we've talked a lot about capturing customers through audiovisual content.

And it could not be otherwise, with the proportion that this type of content has taken day after day, it is essential to understand how to have the right content for a customer acquisition through audiovisual content

As specialists in customer acquisition with some years of experience in the market and more than 3500 campaigns developed, we can say that this process is not as simple as it seems. There are several fundraising strategies that need to be combined and properly measured to ensure good results.

Here at Mkt4edu | Mkt4all, we have been monitoring the most diverse marketing strategies around the world, and with this expertise, we have managed to be increasingly assertive when it comes to directing strategies and analyzing results. 

And this has not been different with digital and audiovisual content, our first test was indoors. We revived our YouTube channel and changed the strategy of our social networks, thereby increasing our reach and learning how to optimize the production of online content. 

And precisely with all this in mind, we decided to give you some tips on how to capture customers over the internet and also retain these customers through audiovisual content. 

Come on? 

How to unify customer acquisition and retention strategies? 

Before talking about strategies, let's talk a little about customer acquisition and retention processes. After all, each and every action must be thought of in the consumer's buying journey.

What is customer retention? Well, the whole process that you carry out before your client becomes a client, in fact, is part of the capture process. And everything you do to increase customer loyalty is part of retention strategies

After all, it's not about having a customer who buys your product or service just once, but about making that customer become an advocate for your brand, who recommends your products to other people. 

By the way, it is always good to remember that, regardless of the type of content you are creating, it is important to focus on your persona. And how to do it?

Well, there is no miracle or magic here, you need to frequently monitor your sales funnel and the stages of your customer's buying journey. 

Although loyalty and attraction strategies are very different, using a good CRM tool can help you a lot. 

A tool like Hubspot (CRM in the cloud aimed at Inbound Marketing with a focus on the consumer experience) helps you to easily and objectively monitor your customer's entire journey. 

Having these points of contact and the result of your actions so clearly is essential to know what your customers want, as well as understanding the type of content that should be worked on your social networks and digital channels. 

Always remember that audiovisual is part of content marketing and, as such, it must connect with your audience both in the customer acquisition process and in the retention process. 

Shall we better understand how to do this through audiovisual content?

How to use audiovisual content to attract customers?

 When we talk about attracting, we need to keep in mind that, with the excessive use of cell phones and monitors (television, computer, tablets, etc.), the consumer has been receiving more and more daily stimuli. 

If a few years ago our challenge was within guerrilla marketing, creating innovative face-to-face actions that would call the consumer's attention as he walked down the street, today our challenge has increased significantly!

Currently, the challenge is to draw the consumer's attention amid the range of offline and online stimuli that he receives every second.

In many cases, due to differentiation strategies, the cost of acquiring a customer may seem higher. But is it really?

It depends! When we talk about offline media, maybe it is (a lot of data needs to be included here to be sure of this answer), but we cannot forget that we live in the era of digital content and that makes a total difference. 

Using audio and video can be a great advantage over your competitors, because this type of content tends to generate more connection, proximity, identification and interaction with your target audience. 

To do this, invest in that type of top-of-the-funnel content. More general themes, which are developed to really generate connection. 

The objective here is to educate your potential client, that is, to develop content that draws attention to make this audience interested in what you do. 

Remember that, at this stage, you should not advertise your product or service itself (it is the top of the funnel), this is the time to generate identification, talk about curiosities and bring useful information that is relevant to your target audience. 

To produce this content, remember these three words: attract, communicate and encourage.

  • Attract: bring a more cold audience to your page.
  • Communicate: something that is relevant, that makes a difference in people's lives, that delivers value and generates connection.
  • Encourage: encourage the person to get to know better who you are and what you do. 

Read too:

How to use audiovisual content to build customer loyalty?

Well, if attracting is the initial part of the whole process, loyalty is the "final" part. End in quotes, because, in Inbound Marketing, we know that the cycle of attracting, involving and delighting is constant and must be fed frequently. 

The customer who has already purchased your product must receive nutrition content to maintain a close relationship with you and, eventually, buy a new product or service, make referrals, engage on your online pages and, in fact, be a customer advocate for your brand . 

Now, how to use audiovisual content for this? 

In this scenario, here are some audio and video actions that you can use at this point in your customer's buying journey: 

  • Personalized thank you videos;
  • Short videos teaching how to use the product;
  • Videos/lives for customers presenting first-hand products;
  • Videos with questions and answers of your FAQ (it can even reduce the number of calls from your call center);
  • Videos with exclusive content that reinforce your authority as a brand/professional.

Depending on the type of product you offer, these post-purchase videos can easily be tied into your new product launch strategy and actively work on generating anticipation. 

The idea here is always to make your customer feel special, and this goes well beyond offering a loyalty program. Discount coupon actions are, yes, great allies to help with customer loyalty and satisfaction, but retention is much more than that.

And videos can help you create this greater synergy with your client, especially on social media, like Instagram, which allows live recording! Imagine how cool your client asks for help in your direct and you reply with a video? More practical than typing a huge message and generating more connections than a big text full of things, right?

Well, we hope you enjoyed this content. And don't forget: if you need help upgrading your customer acquisition and retention strategy, count on us! Attracting and retaining customers using the best tools and strategies on the market is up to us. 

Learn more by visiting our website.

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