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How Marketing Works on Cell Phone Apps

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Jul 1, 2024

How Mobile marketing works on cell phone apps

The cell phone is almost an "expansion of our being ''. At all times and almost everywhere, we are in possession of a mobile screen (cell phone or computer). Have you, as a company, used this to your marketing advantage? It has taken advantage of the use of cell phone apps and actions for mobile devices to leverage your actions?

These are important questions to ask, after all, the objective is always to use technology to our advantage, right? It's no wonder that we are always looking for new tools that help us optimize our time, results and resources.

As new technologies arrive all the time and, with that, new ways of doing marketing too (see the evolution we've gone through since marketing 1.0 until we reach marketing 5.0). 

The evolution of cell phones Within this technological environment was also very intense. We started with the pager (if you remember it, you just gave away your age), then we had that first cell phone, that looked more like a brick, and then those that were a little (but not too) compact, like the Nokia, which had the snake game, remember?

In the past, cell phones worked for one purpose: making calls and, sometimes, receiving an SMS. As time went by, we began to have devices every time more compact and with more features.

The latest cameras and games arrived, and then we started paying more attention to apps! They came in more simplified versions and, over time, developed as technology advanced.

Today, we have countless professionals trained and specialized only in the development of the various stages of an application, after all, it is not just about having the idea, it is necessary to test the application, develop everything that is seen behind a beautiful application, which can serve both for leisure or for studying or even making your life and organization easier.

This is a topic that we could talk about for hours and hours, we would get to IoT (Internet of Things), the way in which artificial intelligence can optimize data, big data and more. Ah, by the way, this is where we can say: yes, your cell phone hears you!

How many times have you, chatting or saying something near the phone, suddenly noticed that your virtual assistant started working? Whenever you have doubts about your cell phone's potential to hear you, remember this!

In fact, try talking about a completely random topic close to him and then pay attention to the ads that will appear on your social networks or next to your searches! You will see that he listens to you.

Now, since all this exists, you can imagine that marketing also exists within this mobile universe, since nothing escapes marketing! Let's get to know a little more about Mobile Marketing

What will you read

What is Mobile Marketing?

And what are the advantages of Mobile Marketing?

Increase in the use of mobile devices

Faster and more assertive communication

Communication regardless of geography

How does paid traffic work in Mobile Marketing?

What is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile Marketing is the name given to marketing actions within mobile devices, and this marketing strategy has proven to be a trend, given the increasingly frequent use of mobile devices.

When we talk about advertising and marketing, a multitude of campaigns and techniques automatically come to our mind, but the fact is that, although marketing is truly one of the most effective ways of leveraging results, it needs to be structured. It’s not just about having a pretty logo and colors.

And this would be no different when arriving on mobile devices.

Within Mobile Marketing, we are talking about actions for any and all devices that have an IOS, Android and other operating systems, not just the cell phone itself.

Within this universe, several actions can be developed with the aim of promoting products, reinforcing branding and even cultivating relationships with your customer (the basis of Inbound Marketing). 

Among the actions of Mobile Marketing are social networks, SMS messages, WhatsApp messages, sending emails, use of chatbots, blog posts and, of course, marketing in applications, both organically and through traffic paid out.

More like this:

And what are the advantages of Mobile Marketing?

Well, if we are talking about using a marketing strategy, it is necessary to understand what the advantages of this marketing strategy are. So, here are 3 advantages for you to think about your business strategy:

1. Increase in the use of mobile devices

Brazil is one of the five countries with the highest number of cell phones! As we mentioned at the beginning of the text, we are connected to a mobile device all the time. Nowadays, life also happens online (especially after the pandemic).

From working from home or in a hybrid system to using social media or shopping online, life happens online all the time.

This means that the mobile market is increasingly open to new technologies and new ways of attracting consumers.

2. Faster and more assertive communication

With your cell phone in your hand all the time, it is very likely that the fastest way to communicate with whoever you want is through something that exists inside the device: SMS,WPP (WhatsApp), social networks, pushes, etc.

In the same way that your customer probably uses these means to contact you, you can and should also use them to have closer and faster contact with your consumer.

3. Communication regardless of geography

If you are a Brazilian company and need to communicate with a client who is in Australia, certainly the best way to find this person is not by letter, right?

Mobile Marketing allows you to talk to people, regardless of where they are, as long as you have their contact details or are on an app they use.

It also allows you to segment your campaigns and ads by region (we'll talk more about this).

How marketing works on cell phone apps blog

How does paid traffic work in Mobile Marketing?

Paid traffic in Mobile Marketing will largely depend on your company’s objective! Remember that, like countless other marketing strategies, mobile aims to interact, engage and influence your customers and leads (lead them to purchase) through specific actions, only for mobile devices.

One of the main advantages of using paid traffic in Mobile Marketing, without a doubt, is segmentation.

If, in traditional digital marketing, we have some limitations when we talk about regions, in mobile, we don't. We are able to optimize campaigns by region (which is a great help for local businesses).

A considerable part of the mobile devices found on the market currently have the GPS location service (generally activated when the person is configuring the device), this means that you can use this data to optimize your campaigns.

For example: if you are a sweet shop located in the center of the city of São Paulo, there is no reason to invest in traffic by sending an ad to Curitiba, Paraná. With geographic segmentation, you can be more assertive when approaching your leads.

When you choose to launch a campaign optimized for mobile applications (such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.), there is a greater chance of having better results, judging by the fact that cell phones are a place where people access social networks more easily.

How to make paid traffic? You can target your campaigns only to people who are using their cell phone (both Google and YouTube campaigns, and Facebook Leads campaigns).

Understanding this logic and applying the benefits of the strategy in favor of your business, you will have excellent results.

Let's show an example to make it more didactic:

Let's go back to the sweet shop located in the center of São Paulo. You (the bakery owner) can upload a Google or Facebook campaign for the São Paulo region within a 5km radius of your point of sale. Will it work? Probably; But what if you can segment more?

If you know that the average lunch time for companies around your business is 12pm, how about running a campaign optimized for people in the neighborhood (GPS), offering a discount coupon for coffee at lunch time?

The chances of someone picking up their cell phone while eating lunch are high! Combining the optimization strategy by region and time with good visual appeal can bring promising results.

Oh, it is also possible to invest in a display Google/discovery, in this case, as in the example below, Google directs your ad to appear on third-party websites.

Now, when it's time to ​​invest in paid traffic, Always remember to study your target audience and understand your campaign objective well so that you can optimize your entire strategy in the best possible way.

And speaking of "being where your audience is", how about learning a little more about videos? We recently made some really cool content available here on the blog to help you understand YouTube better, take advantage and check it out: how to create a YouTube channel: a guide on how to do well on the platform!

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