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What you need to know to attract students (a humanist view)

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Oct 11, 2023

What you need to know to attract students

If you arrived at this post attracted by the idea of ​​the humanist vision presented in the title, you probably already know that attracting students the old-fashioned way is to bet on a strategy that no longer works, right?

Over the years, following the changes that the advancement of technology has brought about in society, the process of attracting students to colleges has been transformed. Currently, it is necessary to know how to invest in more personalized, close and human forms of contact.

What you will see in the post:

Do you want to better understand the importance and know how to adopt humanistic strategies to capture students for your institution? So go ahead with reading the post!

What is this humanist vision

The humanist vision is an idea that is gradually gaining ground in the world of business and marketing and, therefore, in higher education institutions.

It is about adopting a truly more humane approach in the treatment and relationship with students and potential students, and also with all the agents that are part of the cycle of an Educational institution. In addition to a more active stance on social responsibility and other relevant principles.

Concerning attracting students to colleges, the humanistic view is what allows the lead attraction process to be based on the interests and needs of students.

And that also promotes a rapprochement between the parties through effective communication and the offer of something that adds value, such as the use of educational content (which will be discussed below).


Why bet on this approach to attract students

The internet has changed the way consumers relate to companies and brands. And this also applies to the relationship between students and educational institutions, especially higher education institutions, which tend to dialogue directly with their main audience.

One Educational institution who resists adopting new strategies and sticks only to traditional communication and marketing channels and strategies, it is difficult to stand out from the crowd and gain the attention of the students they want to turn into their students.

In addition to knowing what to communicate (what information to pass on), you need to know how to communicate and what strategies to follow so that this information is welcomed and understood by your audience.

The humanist vision allows your institution to consider the needs and preferences of students and then develop more efficient and assertive actions and campaigns.

See too:

The power of educational content as a fundraising strategy

More than communicating the offer of graduation or postgraduate courses, an Educational institution needs to know how to add value to your audience, make yourself relevant to them, and then attract and convert them.

We live in the era of digital information and, therefore, producing and making available educational content is a powerful strategy for attracting and engaging an audience in an Educational institution, contributing to the recruitment process.

Having a blog or developing e-books that address topics relevant to students is a way of presenting the educational institution to them, offering, from the first contact, something that is useful to them and that contributes to meeting their needs.

At the time of selection, you have a better chance of recruiting students from Educational institutions who manage to establish a connection and contribute to their information even before their decision and registration.

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