Everytime we go to see a doctor, or go shopping, it’s very common to see folders or cards of other local services or businesses, right? We can say that this folder on your partner shop is link building, but offline. So, what is link building?
Well, no matter how much you understand the subject, there are always tools, techniques and abilities to be discovered and known to create the right digital marketing strategies.
Link building is a precious resource that is, somehow, not explored enough. But it’s important to know how to apply this technique well, on the contrary you can affect your website negatively.
In this post, we are going to talk about a subject that is still a mystery for many people. Keep reading!
What is link building?
Link building is a gathering of actions that aims to gain space in third party articles through hyperlinks that lead to your website or blog, called: backlinks.
What you can hope with that is increasing and creating new traffic to a page and, as a consequence, to the whole website.
What does it mean?
Well, when your page is mentioned through certain links, Google understands your content is relevant to users and this brings better positions to your blog on the organic ranking of the search engines through SEO.
In other words, it's fundamental to understand what link building is, because it is one of the principles of a SEO strategy.
working on building a links network is thinking about authority, relevance, ranking, visibility and organic traffic. That happens because - naturally or not - when a website backlink to your article, it shares a piece of its own traffic with you.
When that happens smartly, within the Google parameters, the search engine classifies your page greatly because your website has been “nominated”.
Beautiful, right?
Even though it looks simple, the truth is that there is a certain complexity behind this technique and using it wrong can give the opposite effect you wait for.
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Don’t be blocked! Avoid black hat and be sure of what you are doing.
A lot has changed on Google’s permissions. Until not long ago, backlinks building didn’t follow too many patterns, which allowed it to “trick” Google's algorithms. But, in contrast, it negatively impacted the user experience.
Before the update of the algorithms in search engines, it changed. It’s not just buying space with links in third parties websites. Actually, any try of algorithms’ manipulation, as known as black hat, is capable of being blocked.
That means link building needs attention, but also research and, obviously, strategic planning.
So, how can you put link building into practice? Understand how to create it with the best practices.
5 stages of a good strategy
A good strategy of link building is based on link changing. It is important for your website to be qualified to get a great amount of visitors, for example. That’s why it must have a good general structure, including layout, interesting content and quick loading.
Besides that, it’s important to consider that link building is a strategy to add something bigger, as a campaign. So, it’s necessary to have a clear goal of this campaign, the resources to be invested, the content to be created and all the other important definitions to make it happen.
Once you decide it all, it’s possible to prospect. And to do so, we made a tip list:
1. Choose partners you already know
It’s easier to consolidate a campaign with partners that already know you work. After all, you’ll need less effort to sell your product to them, once they know it's good.
2. Quality > Quantity
As we said before Google has changed its algorithms to prioritize the user experience and that includes checking out the quality of links in a page.
Same way it’s done on key-words verification, the excess of backlinks can block you and they themselves won’t represent the success of your campaign. Before that, it’s fundamental to have a qualified article as a destination to the original one. Or, in other words, offer relevant content to your reader.
3. Authority from those who shares you
Keep the idea of the preview topic, it’s important to pay attention to the authority of the website that is nominating you.
It will be nothing if your blog or landing page is directed several times if the sites who mention them have no significant authority or, even, its publishing dont have a positive effect. Once the links they present are less relevant to the subject or lead to websites with bad reputation.
4. Authority from those you share
Authority here is a two-ways path. That’s why you should think about your strategy first. Try to imagine that as a circle: you want to increase your website’s optimization and to do it you need to direct it to your audience in other sources that must be as trustable as your own.
If your page leads to other trustable ones, the user will see it as something positive in your work that also leads to a positive experience. However, the contrary is also true.
5. It must makes sense
What’s the meaning of sharing folders of amusement parks in a mortuary agency or pizza ads in a cosmetic clinic?
Actions must make sense. Google and the reader realize that.
You probably had understood that there must be a lot of caution and some things can not be left out. On the contrary, time and invested resources in an action will also be wasted.
Understanding link building is just the first step to avoid mistakes, but Digital Marketing is a deep ocean of mysteries that we are willing to share with you.
Learn the most common mistakes on publishing a post in your blog.