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User experience and web design for your educational institution

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Feb 2, 2024

The web design and user experience of a website are of extreme importance in consolidating digital marketing strategies.

Paying attention to the user experience when browsing the educational institution's website can improve your visibility in the digital universe, as well as attracting more visitors and, consequently, capturing more leads for the increased conversions.

In today's article, we're going to talk about the importance of web design and user experience for higher education institution websites.

What will be covered in this post:

Grab a cup of coffee and get ready for an enlightening read!

What is user experience?

A trending expression these days, it is used especially among digital marketing and web design professionals.

To contextualize, in the 90s, Donald Norman, at the time, vice president of Apple's advanced technology division popularized the term “UX”, which in its literal translation means user experience. 

In other words, the experience provided to the customer when using a brand's product, service or system. Currently, she represents the real brand experience with a consumer.

If you want to delve deeper into the topic, Don Norman explained what he thinks about the term “UX” at a conference on the topic in the United States.


The importance of web design

Fundamental part of extreme importance in educational marketing strategies, Web Design goes beyond making it easy to navigate a website, whether on a smartphone, tablet or desktop. The web design provides solutions linked to conversion of users into leads and consequently, into new registrations.

  It is through him that the communication with consumers of the educational institution will be more objective, friendly and easily accessible. Anyone who thinks that web design involves just selecting fonts, colors and a beautiful layout is wrong. In addition to the harmony of graphic elements that provide good brand perception, web design is capable of generating more leads thanks to good usability and conversion practices

The ideal web design harmonizes creativity, intelligence and technology, considering that ranking, usability and visual identity are connected to achieve the best results.

User experience

How to build a successful website for your educational institution

The real reason why some educational institutions invest in constant improvement in the user experience is clear: increased conversions and better perception of the product or service offered.

When developing or evaluating an existing website, it is important to ask whether the site really adds value to the user, whether it is easy to find information, whether navigation is simple and whether it is responsive.

In the year 2004, Peter Morville, specialist in information architecture published the main factors that influence UX.Below, we present the special “User Experience hive”:


Image source: semanticstudios.com

He managed to translate different connected purposes of usability and web design. Check below in a summarized way and guarantee a successful website for your educational institution:

- UTILITY: find creative and innovative solutions that are useful to the user; a website with purpose;

- USABILITY: Usability goes beyond the ease of navigating an interface.

- DESIRE: efficiency and branding must be in balance.

- FINDABILITY: the distribution planning of the website's content in each section must be strategic so that the user can easily find the information;

- ACCESSIBILITY: ensure that users with vision, hearing or learning problems have the same navigation as others;

- CREDIBILITY: provide real information suitable for the purpose of the service or product;

- VALUE: add value to the user, satisfying their needs.

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