Attracting, winning and selling is just part of the work that your Educational Institution must do with Educational Marketing. More than that, it is especially important to work with student retention.
Few things have such a negative impact on an Educational institution than dropping out of courses. While the first cycles have full classes, the latter have a high dropout rate.
This needs to be changed and email Marketing is one of your main allies. Therefore, we have separated some tips for you to use this tool to retain students in yourEducational institution.
What you will see in today's post:
- Perform predictive analysis to understand how to prevent student dropout;
- Segment your email marketing list;
- Focus on personalization as a student retention strategy;
- Work with succinct and visually pleasing emails;
- Focus on a theme in each email sent;
- Use Content Marketing as a complement to sending emails;
- Set the best email sending frequency.
Good reading!
1 Perform predictive analysis to understand how to prevent student dropout
To retain students in yourEducational institutionThere is only one thing to be done: create a good relationship between your brand and students. By approaching these people, understanding what they are looking for and offering solutions, the Educational institution positions itself as an important ally in each person’s professional journey.
Doing so, however, requires information. It is necessary to understand what students want, what their main doubts and fears are and what reasons commonly lead to abandoning the course.
This survey can be done through predictive analytics. This technique aims to identify possible reasons for students to drop out and point out actions that should be taken to prevent dropouts.
2 Segment your email marketing list
Once you know who your students are, you need to move on to the second step: segment the email list.
Sending generic information is not by far the best strategy for creating a good relationship with your students. Therefore, dividing your list based on interests, courses, main possibilities for evasion and other criteria is essential.
Create as many segmentations as necessary so that your team can work in the most personalized way possible. Keep in mind that your students want to be treated as important, unique people of great value to the community Educational institution.
- Achieve these 6 goals with content marketing;
- Find out the best student retention strategies;
- Acquisition and Retention Students: who to do it? Learn with the best!
3 Focus on personalization as a student retention strategy
By segmenting the email list, your team can do one of the most important things to retain students: personalization of the experience. With a good strategy, each list will receive exactly the information and content that best matches their interests, doubts or reasons that lead to evasion.
Imagine, for example, a first-period Engineering class. Typically, these students look for alternative sports (such as athletics) Educational institution) and parties/freshmen.
Sending them information about what Atlética is, how to register, benefits and main contacts is a way to keep them more engaged in Educational institutions.
On the other hand, students linked to areas with a strong search for research (such as those related to technology or health) can receive information on how to prepare for scientific initiation, the opening of new monitoring positions, among other relevant topics.
Thanks to segmentation, yourEducational institutionYou can customize messages to talk about exactly what students want to hear, from internships and research to parties, tournaments and events.
4 Work with succinct and visually pleasing emails
When composing emails, take into account the profile of your students. Considering the period in which we live, more objective and direct messages tend to be more successful.
Try to convey, in the first paragraph, the subject of the email title and avoid beating around the bush in providing the promised links or information. It is also important to organize the message well, creating intertitles (like the ones we use here in this text), using topics and avoiding very long sections.
Furthermore, the main information in the email needs to be highlighted, as most students will not even pay attention to everything written in the body of the message.
5 Focus on a theme in each email sent
To make it easier to work with objective and direct emails, one technique is to focus on just one topic per email. If the idea is to talk about open internship positions, notify them of dates, provide contact information or redirect students to the place where they will have all the information.
It is not interesting to explain posture in interviews, clothes or other similar information. This is the subject of another email (which may have been sent previously and even warned that internship vacancies would be sent in the future).
6 Use Content Marketing as a complement to sending emails
Despite what we said in the previous topic, there is a way for you to offer more information to your students without deviating from the proposal of a succinct email: Content Marketing.
If your blog Educational institution is constantly fed and has relevant information that can be linked to the subject of the email sent, it is interesting to create an area of indications at the end of the email or quote some texts throughout the body of the message, which can be read to complement the information.
7 Set the best email sending frequency
Another point that needs to be considered carefully is the frequency of sending emails from theEducational institution. The best practice is to let students define how many messages they prefer to receive per week and whether they would like individual messages or just a summary of what has been sent over the last few days.
This is important to ensure that peoplelet's continue reading emails and not putting as Educational Institutions In the spam folder. If the frequency is too high, students may do this and end up reducing the reliability of the domain used to send the emails.
On the other hand, sending fewer messages is not a good alternative either. This could interfere with student retention.
As you can see throughout the text, you just need to respect some rules and you can use email Marketing in yourEducational institution as a strategy to retain students and ensure that courses continue with full classes, from the first to the last period.
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