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Mkt4edu: the 1st and only Elite Hubspot Partner in Brazil

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Mar 21, 2021

Mkt4edu: the 1st and only Elite Hubspot Partner in Brazil

CAPA BLOGPOST_En_Mkt4edu- the 1st and only Elite Hubspot Partner in Brazil

In times as challenging as the ones we live in now, every good news brings as a new breath, a relief. Moreover, that's why today we share a good news, which is the result of tireless work: Mkt4edu has become Elite in HubSpot's Solutions Partner Program.

The title, the program's highest honor, only awarded to 21 agencies worldwide and, in Brazil, we were the first to conquer it. More than a global highlight, being Elite means being part of a global community focused on providing quality services and customer success.

Mkt4edu and Hubspot: a partnership of results

In partnership with HubSpot, we are revolutionizing marketing in the country and around the world, reaffirming our undeniable authority on the subject.

When we decided to be part of the Solutions Partner Program, we knew we were taking a good step to offer the best to our customers. The world's largest marketing software developer, Hubspot stands out for its efficient combination of simplicity and innovation, based on the Inbound Marketing methodology.

With exclusive support for onboarding processes, implementation, sales, and growth strategies, the effect could not be different: we won the title of Elite agency.

In other words, Elite agencies are those that achieve remarkable results with the integration of Hubspot tools, which has more than 6,000 partners from various categories in 116 countries. Of these, only 21 are Elite and, from now on, we are one of them.

Recently distinguished with Latam's largest and best marketing agency also by Hubspot, we were the developer's first Diamond partner in Brazil.

The move to the Elite category symbolizes exceptional performance in inbound marketing, inbound sales, and customer results. The mastery of the platforms, combined with our professionalism and strategy, leads to a very positive impact of the campaigns, with notably more satisfactory rates of return on investment.


Mkt4edu was born focused on the educational market. However, the expertise in the use of innovative technologies and tools, implementation of CRM and Chatbots, administration of modern and inexpensive campaigns, training of personnel and outsourcing of labor trained in the inbound methodology for schools, colleges, universities and courses, caught the attention of other markets and, from there, several companies of various segments such as health, financial services and retail began to seek for implementation services of Flywheel Marketing.

With the technologies provided by Hubspot, we design a customized plan for each client with resources, among other things, to:

  • Content marketing;
  • SEO;
  • SEM;
  • Web design;
  • Landing pages;
  • Qualification of leads;
  • Campaign management;
  • Sales automation;
  • Chatbot;
  • Chatbot AI;
  • Data Science;
  • Automation;
  • Diagnosis for sales prediction and repurchase;
  • Training;
  • Outsourcing of labor.

As an Elite agency, we can offer our customers a set of sophisticated Hubspot solutions and a collection of unique integrations. In addition, with the exemption of the onboarding fee, it is possible to have access to unique services with more satisfactory margins than those obtained in traditional marketing.

Focus on the present and the future

The campaigns conducted by our agency based on excellence, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. To achieve these requirements in each service, we seek fully understand the needs of each company and what its goals are. Technology is a great ally on this journey, promoting time, and money savings.

The work developed by us has gained due recognition, but we do not stop there. Our goal is to go further and further across borders, showing the advantages of betting on a disruptive and innovative marketing model. With this mentality, in addition to Brazil, we also win customers and partners in Europe and the Middle East.

We have operations in United States, Mexico and have just arrived in the UAE, where we have clients such as Middlesex, Zayed University, and Dubai Islamic Bank. We aim to bring an innovative experience to more and more companies through the languages in which we are already fluent: CRM, automation, chatbot, and artificial intelligence applied to marketing.

Today, with pride and hope on better days, we can say that we are HubSpot's first and only Elite Partner in Brazil.

Be part of this story too, achieving incredible results. Learn how Mkt4edu can help your business grow more and more!


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Technologies we use

The world changes all the time and technology is no different! Here at Mkt4Edu, technology is in our DNA, we work with many different softwares to make the whole process of automation and artificial intelligence work more efficiently and achieve more results.

Here, new softwares are tested all the time. Modern tools and new functionalities are tested all the time, there were already more than 200 tests so you can have the best result in your institution.

From customer acquisition to retention: Mkt4edu can make the difference in your marketing operation.


Increase your leads’ capture


Improve your customers’ retention


Save conversion costs