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How the CRO will help your consumer's experience on the web

Renan Andrade
Renan Andrade

Aug 10, 2023

How the CRO will help your consumer's experience on the web


The dream of every company that lives online today, whether small, medium or large, is to be able to increase its conversions by investing less and less in traffic. In other words, instead of having 1000 visits per month and 50 conventions, it can have 500 visits and 300 corrections. With the CRO, this can be a reality.

Turning its efforts to the user experience within the site, with this tool, it is possible to use data and mechanisms capable of identifying navigational bottlenecks within the platform that may be harming the company's performance and sales. Cool huh?

To understand once and for all what CRO is and improve the experience of the consumer who comes to your website, check out our newest content now, you won't regret it!


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What is CRO

Conversion Rate Optimization, also known by the acronym CRO, can be translated into Portuguese as Conversion Rate Optimization. The concept comes from the need to improve a page's search results, focusing efforts on adjusting and inserting elements capable of attracting attention, adding more functionality and retaining a website's visitors so that they increase their chances of conversion.

The CRO can range from changing the color of a Call to Action to restructuring the elements within a landing page so that the user has greater usability. With the information at hand and the data always present on what has or has not been an effect, it is possible to find ways to improve results.

The CRO is a great ally for any company that needs to facilitate the user's paths, making the process of advancing in different stages of the sales funnel increasingly fluid.


What differs from CRO to SEO?

It is important not to confuse the CRO with the function of Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization), SEO, a strategy also widely used in the online environment with SEO on page and SEO off page.

If you are not so familiar with the concept of what SEO is, opportunity to check out a didactic guide on the subject by clicking on this link.

But, in short, SEO techniques are focused on actions and optimizations that can provide greater indexing and positioning of a page in Google results, also offering a considerable volume of searches. Thus, it is a way to leverage website performance to increase organic traffic. Remember that CRO is precisely optimized despite traffic? So this is where the functions diverge. 

To get better and better results, you will always need to apply both strategies according to your applications, but you must understand that one of them alone may not be enough for a solid strategy.


How it can improve the customer experience

If the user doesn't find what they expect on your website page, why should they stay there? With this basic question in mind, you can understand the importance of CRO: retention for conversion.

With a more structured site prepared to deliver better content and features, it is increasingly difficult to lose this user. Thus, the work is so that, more and more, we have in data what the user is looking for and what works best for their conversion, so the site can always be adjusted according to the behavior of that visitor who became a lead.

In short, it is the analysis of prospects to make more effective changes to benefit the users themselves with a responsive website.

Read too:


Start implementing CRO techniques

Now that you have understood the importance of CRO and its weight for tactical planning, it's time to check how to implement it so that your actions bring the expected results. Check out!


Every action needs to be based on data

In the CRO, there is no room for guesswork. That's because if you make a change inaccurately and irresponsibly, you can change an element that was in full working order. Dangerous to take a shot like that in the dark, isn't it?

Thus, any change must be based on data and information extracted from specialized software. Thus, you reduce the margin of error and work in the open, knowing that every decision is based on data, increasing the credibility of the work and delivering more reliability.


Run A/B Tests

If you don't do A/B testing on your website, it's time to put it into practice! This type of evaluation informs, within the possibilities you have outlined, which one allows for a better performance and, consequently, which will be more efficient. 

For example, if your home has not generated many leads, you can do an A/B test to understand which CTA is most effective in this context, or just the color used. It may seem like a small change, but it can make all the difference when it comes to seeing practical results.

For the test to give accurate answers, you only need to make one change at a time. If you want to test the location, color, and size of the CTA in a single assessment, it will be difficult to understand what, exactly, has driven a key shift in users' usability, furthermore, this leads us to a third party. Score. Check it out below.


Don't just replicate, you have to customize your changes!

In the CRO, there is no magic recipe for success. It is important to understand that if an ebook landing page worked to put video in the first fold, not necessarily a second LP with different purposes will have the same result with this type of content.

Likewise, what worked on a site is not the key to its pages. CRO is synonymous with personalization so that your respective prospects have a unique and positive experience, according to what works best for capturing that specific audience. 


Use secure tools

“How can I check my website’s CRO and its statistics?”

For your CRO to work properly, you must always use tools capable of delivering safe results and projections, thus guiding the changes to be implemented.

For this, you can count on some artificial intelligence software, from free to paid. These tools are capable of, within their proposal, analyzing different nuances and scenarios, offering data that will help you make the necessary changes to improve the user experience. 

See below for a list of the most used.

  • Google Optimize: within Google Analytics, there is an integrated tool responsible for indicating pages that need more attention during the CRO process. Within the platform, there is also the possibility of performing valuable and diverse A/B tests. Integrated with all other Google software, you can have a broader and more assertive view with the tool.

  • Page Speed ​​Insights: Not everyone knows, but page load time can be decisive for lead retention. That's because, in a society increasingly used to the speed of information, a slow page can be a watershed. For this, the Speed ​​Insights page analyzes the loading time (which is usually 4.8 on average), as well as possible changes that can be applied for greater performance, whether on mobile devices or desktop.

  • Hotjar: For every CRO, the heatmap of a website is essential, because it is the visual part of what is or is not generating more navigation through the page, showing the items that deserve greater prominence and those that are not performing well. For this, Hotjar is a reference among this type of AI.

  • Lucky Orange: Does your site have great visitor and time on page metrics, but leads don't convert into customers? For this, Lucky Orange manages to bring important data about the user experience. With this information it is possible to optimize processes, adjust pages and change items according to what the site's heat map indicates, or even follow the user's mouse movements to understand the paths taken.


Make optimizations your greatest ally!

CRO is the solution your company needs for your visitors to reduce evasion and become more and more leads that are prone to conversion.

Once you've put into practice the tips we've given here, come back and let us know what your experience was with the tools and changes!

Did you like the subject and became even more curious about the web optimization universe? So, enough researching the internet, we have content that you will like as much as this one! Read: Responsive website: its importance in the competitive market.

Responsive website: its importance in the competitive market

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