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AI-Powered Overview: What is it and how does it work?

Renan Andrade
Renan Andrade

Jan 24, 2025

AI-Powered Overview: What is it and how does it work?

If you've "googled" in the last few days, you've certainly come across an AI-Powered Overview at the top of the results page. After all, it's a new search feature in search engines, bringing together answers generated by Artificial Intelligence for certain queries.

But how does this affect the lives of content producers and how can Google users benefit from this new feature? To find out these and other interesting facts, read this article to the end.

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What is an "AI-Powered Overview"?

To find out in practice what an AI overview is, type into Google, for example, "how to write better" and notice that a collection of answers on this subject will be automatically generated for you.

Overview created by AI on Google

Caption: Overview created by AI on Google

These answers are generated based on a collection of information from different sources available on the web. Note that next to the answers, there are also links to access the sources of the research and if you think it necessary, analyze the full content.

With the AI overview, Google aims to improve the search experience by providing users with quick answers in one place, without the need to search multiple sites.

But what seems like a novelty was actually already being tested by Google through the Search Labs program. Initially called"Search Generative Experience (SGE)", it is now recognized by the name"AI Overviews and more" and has the approval of almost 1 billion users around the world.

Why are Google's AI-generated overviews important?

It's clear from Google's commitment that AI overviews can redefine the way information is delivered to its users and will also change search in a similar way to what happened with featured snippets, which is that highlighted box with the questions asked by users.

Overview created by AI: what happens to snippets?

Caption: Overview created by AI: what happens to snippets?

One of the most important points about the AI overview is that its use can lead to a more complete search, with many fewer clicks. This is because users will find information without having to visit other sites.

This could also directly affect organic traffic, i.e. non-sponsored sites ranked just below the snippet generated by AI.

On the other hand, if the content is featured in a Google AI summary, this could increase the visibility of your site and your click-through rate (CTR).

Another benefit of the AI-based overview is that it generates more qualified traffic to websites. Simply because users, by clicking on the sites listed as sources in an AI overview, can become more interested and involved in the content to which they have already been introduced.

How does the AI overview work?

AI overviews appear in search results when Google identifies that answers generated by Artificial Intelligence may be useful to users. However, they do not appear in all searches.

Google displays this information selectively, prioritizing more complex queries that would normally require several searches to answer.

A study on no-click searches showed that 17.9% of users perform a new search after the initial one. This is often because they don't find the answer they need or find an incomplete answer, which leads them to adjust the search.

As they rely on AI, there is a possibility that the answers generated are wrong or biased. Google has already stated that it is working to minimize these problems.

In addition, Google has announced that it will soon begin testing the inclusion of ads in these AI overviews, which will be marked as "Sponsored" to ensure transparency for users.


Some curiosities about the AI overview

As this is a very recent topic and there are still many doubts about how it works, here are some interesting facts about AI overviews:

AI overviews will not replace Featured Snippets

AI overviews will not replace featured snippets, as they are different resources within search results and should continue to coexist.

You can't prevent your site's content from appearing in AI-generated overviews

There is still no way to prevent your site's content from being summarized in an AI overview. This feature works in a similar way to featured snippets or the "People also ask" section.

If Google considers that an AI overview is useful for a search, it will be generated using public information available on the web.

Where can I see the click data for AI-generated overviews?

Currently, Google does not separate specific click data from AI overviews. All clicks on your site, from organic listings, snippets to AI overviews, are grouped together in the Google Search Console performance report.

How often do AI overviews appear in search results?

There is no specific information on the frequency of results. However, data from Semrush Sensor shows that, on average, AI overviews appear in around 0.55% of searches in the United States.

It's worth remembering that Google is constantly adjusting the display of these answers, so these figures may change.

Where can I learn more about Google's AI?

To learn more about Google's AI, you can access the latest information on Google's AI models and advances on the Google Labs website.


6 tips for optimizing your content for AI-generated overviews

Although there are no specific optimization techniques for AI overviews, Google has stated that its systems automatically choose the links and sources that appear in these overviews.

Therefore, the key is to follow Google's general SEO guidelines, such as those described in Google Search Essentials.

If you already apply good SEO practices, you're on the right track. Below, we highlight the main practices for optimizing your site:

Tip 1: Make sure your pages are crawlable and indexable

In order for Google to consider your pages in AI overviews, they need to be crawled and indexed. This means that it's important to make sure that your file doesn't block access to important pages.

Check that there are no meta tags that accidentally prevent indexing. Take the opportunity to correct pages with 404 or 403 errors to avoid crawling problems. Finally, organize your pages clearly to make it easier for Google's crawlers.

Tip 2: Use long-tail keywords

Overviews created by AI are most useful for complex queries, often based on long-tail keywords, i.e. those with more than four words. Once you've identified specific terms, create optimized content that matches these searches.

Tip 3: Create high-quality content

Quality content has a greater chance of appearing in Google overviews created by AI. But what does quality content mean? It means that:

  • They need to be accurate, containing reliable and verified information;
  • They must be original, with unique ideas or innovative information;
  • Preferably produced by experts in the field; and
  • They must offer value to the user, meeting the needs and questions of their target audience.

The more sensitive the topics, such as health and finance, the higher the quality standards should be, following the guidelines for YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) content.

Tip 4: Improve the user experience (UX)

A good user experience can also influence your visibility. Pay attention to speed and ensure that your pages load quickly. Use responsive design to offer a good experience on any device and protect user data with HTTPS.

Tip 5: Apply on-page SEO techniques

Optimize technical aspects of your site's on-page SEO to make it easier for Google to understand your content:

  • Title tags: include relevant keywords in titles;
  • Meta descriptions: create attractive and informative descriptions;
  • URLs: use short, descriptive URLs;
  • Headings: structure your content with clear headings(H1, H2, H3);
  • Keywords: use keywords strategically, but avoid overdoing it.

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Tip 6: Build backlinks

Backlinks are links from other sites that redirect to your site. They are important signs of authority and can increase your chance of appearing in AI overviews.

Get in touch with sites in your sector, highlighting the value of your content and use tools that can contribute to your site continuing to be recommended.

By applying these practices, you increase the chances of your site being considered in AI overviews and improve your presence in search results.

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