Reliable and attractive. Would you say your blog post has these two attributes? Even if your answer is yes, it is the search engines that will answer and legitimize all your efforts with the insertion of the site in the main page of Google.
But, after all, how to write a blog to the top of Google? What strategies and modifications can be made for this result? These and other questions can be found below, in our post. Grab a pen and paper so you don't miss any tips and keep reading!
Check here:
- What is SEO?
- Authority and online presence for this type of Content Marketing
- How to make your blog post appear on the first pages of Google?
- Watch out for penalties!
- How is your site's SEO?
- Be on the front page with Mkt4Edu!
What is SEO?
Before wanting to appear on the first page of Google, it is necessary to understand the usefulness and importance of a fundamental item for this achievement: Search Engine Optimization. Better known as SEO, this item is a set of strategies that, if well applied, gives content relevance and authority, according to search engine analysis items, especially for Google.
This pillar of Content Marketing exists so that, in an organized way, the items found on the web can offer a better user experience. Thus, the research tools perform an analysis, indicate those contents that best stand out and, consequently, deliver more visibility and priority to this type of material.
With the evidence conquered, the company is much more likely to achieve good content and performance in its objective, resulting in financial return. That's because, in a survey, only 10% of users, including potential customers, reach page two. As a result, 90% of traffic is concentrated on the first links presented.
With increasing competition in search engines, the one who is most attentive to the questions that lead the content to the long-awaited first page stands out. As a result, SEO is responsible for adding to the site:
- Greater online presence;
- Visibility into the sales process;
- Greater possibility of generating leads;
- Achieving organic positioning for potential customers;
- Authority.
From this list, the last item has great weight for the reputation and health of the company that invests in digital. Check out the reasons for this importance!
Authority and online presence for this type of Content Marketing
To appear on what we call a Search Engine Results Page (SERP), or search results page in Portuguese, the site needs to be considered reliable and attractive, as we mentioned at the beginning of this blog. Fulfilling these two topics according to an SEO analysis, the blog is and can be considered an authority in the field. But what, in fact, does this mean?
To be titled as someone/something who has authority is to be someone/something who occupies a place of reference for others. When it comes to blogs, the premise is the same: the more criteria are followed, the better their position on the search page, resulting in a level of authority in relation to the content and format of the site, consequently, reflecting on the niche as a whole. , even outside the digital environment.
How to make your blog post appear on the first pages of Google?
For those who develop work and want to be featured on research platforms, there are some essential actions to apply in a blog post. Find out which ones!
1. Keyword research
For those who want to understand how to appear in the first google results, one item is highlighted: the use of Keywords, that is, keywords in Portuguese. They have this name because they are words that will guide not only the creation and configuration of the content but also the reader about the subject being treated.
Being so valuable for driving SEO, keywords should be placed in places like:
- Beginning of the title tag;
- Title (Tah h1), whether long tail or head tail;
- Meta description;
- H2 AND h3;
- Beginning of the text (first 100 words);
- URL;
- Alt Tag;
- Main content.
Did you see how she is present at all stages of the blog, representing something very important?
2. Internal and external links
Being one of the main points to be taken into account, the use of links within the file is essential. This happens because the tools understand that, when using external links, you are referencing content, offering other complementary sources to the content being created.
In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to one point: reliability. In addition to being something important for SEO, it also says about the credibility of your blog. Let's say you build complete and enlightening content, but when using an external link, you end up directing the reader to an unreliable site, with untrue information.
That was your indication for someone who, realizing the lack of credibility, will possibly not trust what is in the links on your page. Do you see the problem?
With internal links, that is, those that take the user inside their own website, the platform can understand that their contents are complementary and aligned, thus building a tree of rich content.
This is an excellent strategy so that you can also keep the user browsing through different creations on your site, keeping them nourished and evolving in the funnel.
3. Create compelling titles for your blog post
Just as it's common to judge a book by its cover, it's also possible to judge a blog's quality and delivery by its title. Imagine: if you search for “cake recipe” and the first item directs you to an “easy and quick cake recipe” while the second link takes you to content about “cake with wheat flour, milk, oil...
” the user is more likely to opt for the one who delivered the information that was sought, without providing unnecessary information at this first moment.
This is the function of an attractive title. Also, as we saw in topic 1, the keyword must be in all times, including in the title, in order to optimize search engines. In the first example, the keyword “cake recipe” appears accompanied by a brief description, while in the second, it is not even inserted. jeopardized for a better ranking on the site.
Google support also recommends that titles that do not exceed 60 characters are used, in addition to being concise for two important points: to become something more readable, especially during a quick reading on the search page uisa, and also so that it is not cut, thus taking away its effectiveness and strength from the message about what will be found there.
4. Meta Description
The meta description is nothing more than a brief information about what the user will be able to find in your blog post. As it is an element to appear on the search page, it is extremely important to define whether or not the user will find what he is looking for.
With a maximum of 160 characters, the keyword must be entered once and contextualized. This is the time to capture attention and use action words!
Read too:
- The 10 Whys of Having a Blog in Your Marketing Strategy!;
- Blog Posts: the 6 most common mistakes when publishing;
- How to create a landing page? The 7 best practices!
5. Scalability
The goal is to create more dynamic content that offers the reader a positive reading experience that retains their attention. Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the structure with the use of items with:
- Titles and subtitles;
- Short sentences;
- Paragraphs that do not lengthen;
- Use bullet points (lists) to break text;
- Artifices such as bold and italics in the layout;
- Insertion of images and other media.
Another precious principle of Inbound Marketing is to enable the user, even in a superficial reading, to understand the information provided.
6. Responsive website
Have you ever accessed a blog on mobile and noticed that its proportions, images and texts were all misaligned, with an uncomfortable design? This could be a website that doesn't follow the guidelines to be considered a responsive blog.
This is a technique that allows the user to explore the site, regardless of where they are accessing. As it is an item directly linked to the user experience, Google promotes sites that are willing to invest in this type of adaptation through HTML, CSS or Javascript, aiming at a better delivery to their different audiences.
7. Content size
For search engines, there is an interesting premise, but that, by itself, does not define results, because the text size is considered in the evaluation. According to the line of reasoning, if the blog has a longer text, most likely, it is offering more information and being more useful to the reader; on the other hand, smaller texts indicate content that is little explored.
Despite this, this is not a primary evaluation criterion and depends on all other points to be considered correct or not in the evaluation.
It is worth mentioning that size does not necessarily attribute quality to the blog material. Care must be taken to ensure that everything on the page is, in fact, relevant and aggregating for users. In no way is it worth starting to write just to fill in the gaps, after all, no one likes to waste time on something that just goes round, right?
Remember that the content must be enlightening. So, value quality over quantity so that users who consume your content are effectively nourished!
8. Page opening speed
One thing is for sure: with the advancement of technology and internet usage, more and more users show impatience and little tolerance for websites and blogs that take time to open. We have left a generation of dial-up internet for a faster habit. Thus, it is even understandable that this is an interesting criterion when analyzing SEO.
According to an experiment carried out by Forbes, users are less and less likely to read articles that have a “slow” (about 3 seconds or more for the page to load). So, this should be a point of attention so as not to alienate readers from your blog!
But how to make this analysis? It's simple! With the free PageSpeed Insights tool, it is possible to have a complete analysis of performance and points to be improved, and it is even possible to check the mobile and desktop versions. At the end, it is also possible to obtain a report for a better analysis and a better understanding.
When performing an analysis, the values achieved in the performed metric can be classified according to the following indication:
- 0 to 49 (red): bad;
- 50 to 89 (orange): needs improvement;
- 90 to 100 (green): good.
Watch out for penalties!
Just as there are criteria for a better ranking that takes the blog post to the main page of Google, there are also actions that penalize and decrease the quality of the content from the SEO point of view. So, you have to be careful to do only what is appropriate. Check out two items that don't go unnoticed!
Lack or excess of keywords
As we saw in tip 1 of the previous topic, it is necessary to insert keywords throughout the content, signaling its focus. However, both the lack and the exaggerated use of this strategy can generate penalties, because the objective is to create natural content, with fluid reading. Each keyword that is constantly repeated gives the impression that the content was made by someone who is new to it, so it can even discredit him.
Replicated content
One of the main points that harm the performance of the content and generate penalties are plagiarized content. Google values blogs that offer original materials, mainly because it understands that there is something that required effort, unlike content that is just copied from other sources.
How is your site's SEO?
Now that you understand how a blog should be structured and how to appear in the top positions on Google, it's time to evaluate the performance of your own content.
Make our list of items an important checklist when it comes to understanding the reasons why the page does not rank well among so many other sites that are also in this fierce competition.
By applying the correct SEO and Inbound Marketing, your blog gains more and more visibility and notoriety for the engines. So be careful that nothing gets lost in your reviews. Oh! And don't forget to share your content on social media, right?
Be on the front page with Mkt4Edu!
Even with the tips and indications, still, do you feel like you need to rely on who is an expert on the subject to make investments in content marketing? So you are in the right place! We at Mkt4Edu have extensive experience with strategies that involve exploring and marketing content.
For us, your company's SEO is treated with the due importance it has, being a key point to guide all steps, from creation, writing and diagramming to the publication of the material in question. The strategic planning is built always aiming at the proper adequacy and functionality of the pages.
Whatever the segment of the company or target audience to be reached, everything that is developed takes into account the intention of good performance so that our customers are always at the top of the pages, showing their potential and becoming more and more authority on the subject. For this, we use the best technologies on the market to add even more attention and efficiency to the work developed by our teams.
Want to know more how we can help you? Get in touch with our team of highly qualified specialists right now to meet your demands and make your blog a highlight on the Search Engine Results Page!