There are several capture strategies within digital marketing that help companies to grow exponentially over the internet. Of course, these companies invest in people who will bring significant results with site or blog optimization. However, most professionals fail on this task because they don’t know how to attract customers the right way, leaving efficient content marketing behind. The conversion of accesses into customers is called: lead. But how can you start capturing qualified leads to your company? How can you use them even in marketing campaigns? Check out:
Know your leads to learn how to create a capture page
To understand this universe, we are going to talk about lead capturing. Leads are possible customers that give data to your company in exchange for something like an ebook or promotional video and so on. Mostly, the information is: full name; email; and phone. THat way, the company can insert the possible customer on the purchase funnel until they reach a purchase, for example.
But besides the offer-purchase, the lead management with SEO techniques for a website is essential to make it grow and to increase range. In other words, rank it better and higher, making the website one of the top results on search engines that lets it to be a reference in a certain service or product. Getting the top result is not an easy task, so it’s time to take notes of these incredible tips below.
And how can your company get qualified leads and not only access without getting any customers? Check below how to make an efficient marketing investment.
How to capture qualified leads with different kinds of marketing
We know that for the visitor to get interested in giving information - becoming leads - companies must invest in material which takes the attention of the potential customers to make the exchange possible. But before investing, it’s necessary to highlight how important it is to have qualified content. That way, your website will have the attention you want. Besides that, good content will also help your website to be top ranked, so content production must be a priority to increase your results.
Rich content works as a bait for these customers because it sparks an interest about certain subjects that make them share their information. But even though with all this, they don’t feel interested, it’s necessary to put Plan B in action: offer an exclusive material, for example, so the landing page receives the information in exchange and it captures leads to your company.
Check now the most common ways to generate qualified leads using a capture page (Landing Page).
Ebook is a digital book that can be accessed by a computer, tablet, or mobile. It consists of collected information about certain themes, services or products a company offers. The ebook can be sold or free and it’s extremely important and useful to an efficient lead capture.
Free ebooks are capable of sparking interest from its theme and making the lead exchange. Most of the time, the exchange is for the full name and email of the potential customers, because they are the primary information to get a qualified lead.
To do so, pay attention to the quality of your ebook; content that doesn't share the ideas of your company or has no pleasant visual identity won’t get the reader’s attention.
Landing Pages
Landing Pages are pages that help generate new leads. It has a lot of elements to get a more qualified lead and has the potential to attract customers directly. Landing Pages are also known as conversion pages because they are famous for their high conversion rate. But how do they work?
If a user searches for a word on search pages on Google and gets into a post of your blog, it’s possible to classify this post as a landing page, because it was where the user landed.
Taking it deeper, this kind of page is a way to attract potential customers, offering a product or services (such as ebooks, webinars, courses, workbooks) that can significantly improve your purchase process and data capturing of the audience that fits your buyer persona.
Read too:
- How to decrease the rejection rate and increase the conversion?;
- 5 ways of how to capture students;
- How to retain customers? Understand how the CRM can help you!
Pop Up
The pop up is a window that opens on the navigator once we are visiting a website. Mostly, these windows give some information about the website or some ad, for example. And how can it help you on leads capturing? There are two ways to put the Pop Ups in your page to capture leads.
1. Pop Up Form:
It shows up when the user wants to leave the page. A centralized box opens up to avoid your page losing that access. It is one of the best ways to make the user come back to the content of that page.
2. Pop Up CTA:
It shows up on the screen corner when the visitors rolled down at least 50% of the page. This kind of pop up has two goals: promoting your landing page - as we said before; and lead visitors to the purchase stage.
There are windows that open with surveys that can also be pop ups. The forms are also a great option to capture qualified leads.
CTA - Call To Action, as the name says is a calling to someone to take some action within your website. It also can be found in emails and ads. The intention is to make the user click on a button or a highlighted link that directs them to some form - as we said before - or to another page to capture this lead. Most of the time, CTA are button with different sizes and colors so it can spark the user’s attention.
This button or call helps us to get the attention to an action we want, such as
subscribing to a newsletter, form filling, download, budget request and so on.
Call To Action is also very important in this “qualified leads capturing process”. However, it’s important to pay attention to the position of a CTA. It must always be followed by a good message that will get the attention of your user, creating an interest in your website and in clicking - what will give you a lead.
Even though it's usual to see it as a button, a CTA can be used also on social media, on the image or the subtitle, inviting the target audience to take the desired action.
The more leads the better?
As we said in all this post, leads are very important to your website or your company’s blog. But is every kind of lead good? No! And we should be aware of it.
Following these tips and techniques to capture qualified leads is extremely important. Because it really makes no sense to have a lot of leads without the necessary information to nurture them.
While creating any of the products we talked about, it’s very important to understand the key-words search. But what is that? Ok, simple: each key-word is something searched on the engines and it can be classified as long tail or head tail. Using the right, SEO can find and evaluate the content better to rank it.
Lead Capturing = elaborated strategy
Marketing campaigns to companies can be done through lead conversion, you just have to know how to use the tools in your favor. To do so, it’s very important to search about the digital marketing world and find out the news to keep your website or blog updated and optimized. Following the adequate SEO indications, it’s possible to be on the first page on Google and in other search engines.
Now you understand a little more about lead capture and its efficiency towards results, you can apply them to improve the opportunities within your own business.
Know better how to create a landing page with the 7 best practices!