Ever wonder if sending emails is still valid for student marketing? Know that the answer is yes!
The strategy is used by almost 90% of companies in the country, according to 2022 data. But to get good results, you need to know how to use it..
Next, we will introduce you to some important practices to be adopted so that your college can successfully use email marketing.
In this post, you will see:
- How can your institution email marketing Of success;
- Types of email marketing for your institution;
- Why do email marketing?
After all, you certainly don't want to invest in a strategy simply to have your email sent straight to the trash, right? So get ready to put them in the inbox of your leads. Follow!
How can your institution email marketing Of success
There are several practices and strategies when it comes to attracting and retaining students through inbound marketing. Email marketing is just one of them, but it is a powerful and important ally in your relationship with your students and potential students.
to make a good email marketing campaign some very important points must be kept in mind, not only to have the highest number of deliveries but also openings, clicks and, of course, conversions!
Do you want to understand some essential practices for your institution when creating an email marketing strategy? Read on!
Don't buy email lists
Many make the mistake of buying email lists, almost without any criteria or consideration, and simply send their content to strangers who have never shown interest in receiving emails from the institution. Does it seem invasive? So it is.
Emails are powerful as long as both parties are interested. Therefore, one of the good marketing practices for colleges is to develop strategies, such as landing pages, so that your institution builds its own email list, only with those who, in fact, want to participate in this conversation.
Bet on customization
Good student marketing must know how to take advantage of the benefits that technology has brought to invest in public segmentation and personalization of emails.
This means using registration data and evaluating the behavior of each contact (which content they are interested in or not) to send only relevant content to each email.
Along with this, it is important to use the person's name (the one they informed when registering to be part of your educational institution's contact list) to make the conversation closer and more attractive.
Pay extra attention to the header
In the day-to-day rush, your contacts do the same as you when faced with a box-of-nails crowd: they prioritize the urgent ones and then move on to the ones that seem more attractive to them.
It is important to choose a "subject" that leads to the opening of the email, but without exaggerating the use of resources, such as capitalized words or excessive exclamation points. Remember that attractive is different from appealing.
It is also worth paying attention to the sender. There is no rule in college marketing that defines whether the email should be sent on behalf of the institution or someone from that institution. This varies by strategy.
The important thing is to define a sender that is easy to identify, as this increases the email open rate.
Read too:
- 6 Buyer’s Journey Insights in Analytics Strategies;
- How to create a landing page? The 7 best practices!;
- Blog Posts: the 6 most common mistakes when publishing.
Discover the ideal frequency for sending email marketing
Even when the person is interested and signs up to receive emails from your institution, when faced with an increasingly crowded box of "unread" messages identified by the sender, he or she may end up canceling the subscription.
It is important to use tools to check the email open rate, as well as A/B tests to identify the most interesting times and frequencies for sending your messages.
This way, you can keep the contact between your institution and your audience pleasant and relevant.
Plan the content and its presentation well
It's not much use following all the other tips presented so far if, when opening the email, your contacts don't find relevant, well-structured and well-presented content.
It is worth knowing, for example, that good Portuguese is vital, and this applies both to spelling and to the fluidity of the text.
Balancing texts and images is also important, as well as paying attention to the layout and the intelligent choice and proper functioning of the links chosen for each email.
Another very important point and a good practice of email marketing strategies is to know which emails to send and to whom to send them. A well-structured email marketing flow includes all stages of the sales funnel and participates in all stages of your lead.
But you have to start somewhere, right? Therefore, we have separated below some types of essential emails for you to start applying to your Institution as soon as possible.
Types of email marketing for your institution
If you have no idea how to start investing in email marketing at your institution, this part is for you. We've separated some essential shots for you to put into practice in your HEI and work your leads in a more personalized and targeted way. Check out!
Newsletter emails
This is a great type to get you started on your email marketing strategy. Do you know your blog? Then! One newsletter email sends the latest and most recent content and/or news from your institution to your entire lead base.
Because it is "more generic" content, there is not such a big concern regarding lead segmentation and specific immediate conversion strategies. Here, you'll be nurturing the best of your content marketing and your marketing digital.
Another cool strategy to use in newsletters, if you don't have that much content, is to send your posts in social media. It's a way to keep your base connected with everything that happens in your institution.
One of the good things about the newsletter is that it works for those who are already students. It can work as a retention email to maintain a good relationship with your base, even after your leads become customers.
And how to make a newsletter email?
Here you need good marketing automation and of course important practices. The main one is deciding how often the newsletters will be sent. That way, you can also guide other strategies, such as content and media, to always have new subjects to send to your base.
Confirmation emails
It is about theAnother type of simple and extremely important email. Confirmation emails are those sent after some type of registration, whether they are registrations, or about an event or webinar, or even the one that is given when a person wants to receive the newsletters.
Why is it so important? Well, have you ever bought something online, be it a product or a ticket, or signed up for a course or webinar and not even received a message that everything went well?
So it is! Your leads and prospective students need to be confident that the action they took within your website was successful.
Remember to direct confirmation in your emails. If a person signed up for the Psychology course, for example, personalize it! "We have received your enrollment in the Psychology course".
We talked about this customizing practice at the beginning of the post. Use it mainly in confirmations, so both your institution and your lead will be sure of the data and information collected.
Retention emails
Mentioned in the newsletter,the retention emails are just as important as any other email.
Did you know that in Brazil, as Sebrae data shows, 85% of companies do not invest in post-sales? So it is! This means that organizations are concerned about getting more customers, but forget that it is necessary to keep them.
And this also happens in Teaching Institutions. The concern to bring in more enrollments ends up muffling the need to keep the students who are already part of the organization.
That's why you should keep relationship strategies in mind at your institution. One good retention email can turn your student into a publicist and promoter of your brand.
Bring news to your students, promote actions for "those who are already in" and bring compensation, such as additional hours or a discount for egress to a new academic journey (new graduation, postgraduate, master's...).
Create an email strategy based on this and change your institution's after-sales relationship with your students.
If you've made it this far, you've probably realized the importance of good email marketing and why it's important to invest in this type of strategy in theIt but the superior, right?
But if you are still in doubt about sending emails and apply this technique at your institution, here are two final encouragements for you to start using email marketing once and for all.
Why do email marketing?
Email marketing is one of the main practices of digital marketing. It is a way to maintain greater control of your purchase process, your conversions and the institution's relationship with your personas and your target audience.
Therefore, we decided to list two good reasons for you to start with email marketing in your organization.
Strategic engagement
Despite the word "engagement" being very connected to social networks, with email marketing you can get a better and clearer view of what your audience wants to receive from communication.
With good lists, good segmentation and defined email types, it is possible to send the right content to the right people and analyze the data obtained more accurately.
With a robust analysis of the engagement of your email marketing strategy, it is possible to understand the best moment of "purchase" (enrollment, in this case) of your leads, the stage of the funnel they are in and what are the best approaches to use at each moment.
We've talked a lot about the link between email marketing and relationships, but the truth is that email is still a very powerful source of contact and connection.
According to updated data from Shopify, email opens range from 20% to 22%.
It is interesting to see this return of the email due to the saturation of social networks. The idea of formality and "being taken seriously for being in an email" is also increasingly seen.
Creating a relationship with your lead, qualified lead, enrolled, enrolled and, finally, student is essential for the image of your institution. Remember that it is essential to be connected with your target audience at all stages of the funnel, including post-sales.
Turn your students and potential students into fans of your institution, keep them interested and show that your institution is concerned and aligned not only with their academic life, but professional and personal as well.
You can see how much email marketing can make a difference, right? Talk to our team of experts to help you create good email marketing strategies for your institution.
To increase the performance and results of your educational institution, do data driven marketing. Want to know how? Contact us!