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Discover the 8 stages of the sales process and how to carry them out

Gustavo Goncalves
Gustavo Goncalves

Jul 23, 2024

Every good salesperson knows that you can't sell anything just by relying on luck. You need to know how to sell. And following the steps of the sales process thoroughly helps a lot at this time.

In this post, we will discuss the 8 steps of the sales process, as well as good practices that can help you convert better results.

What you will see in this post:

Knowing the 8 stages of the sales process

  1. Planning
  2. Prospecting and attracting customers
  3. Customer data analysis
  4. Sales strategies and approach
  5. Proposals and values
  6. Negotiation
  7. Closing
  8. After sales

Good reading!

Knowing the 8 stages of the sales process

1. Planning

The first step in the sales process is also the most important. Here, planning will be based on collecting data regarding your potential customers.

Normally, this first stage of the sales process takes place simultaneously with prospecting and attracting customers. However, for your planning is as fruitful as possiblel, it is important that it is well based on information such as:

  • What are the purchasing channels most used by your target audience?
  • What is the state of your area of ​​activity in the market currently?
  • What are the purchasing habits of your target audience?
  • What are your team's strengths and weaknesses?

These are just a few questions that your planning should answer, and be aware that there will be others that arise during the process, so keep an eye on possible trends that could affect your performance.

2. Prospecting and attracting customers

As previously mentioned, planning and customer prospecting will be done in parallel. To do so, you need to know who your ideal customer is and how you feel about your brand or product.

Without a well-defined profile of your customers, it will be much more difficult to convert them. Therefore, it is essential to look for the following answers:

  • What is the profile of your ideal client?
  • What are this customer’s needs and what can you do to meet them?
  • What is this customer’s relationship history with your company or brand?
  • In the case of B2B, who is this company and how long has it been operating in the market?

Armed with the answers to these questions, you will have greater assertiveness when prospecting your customers. This information will provide a clearer understanding of how plan your approach towards these customers.

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3. Customer data analysis

To go even deeper into understanding your customers' profiles, it is very important that the analysis of the data collected is as thorough as possible, as now is the time when your sales teams will have their first contact with your potential customers.

It is also worth remembering that there are ways to improve the sales process, and a strategy well aligned with sales concepts Revenue Operations can enable sellers to have valuable information about their customers at hand and be much more prepared to convert.

4. Sales strategies and approach

This stage begins after the first contact with your potential customers. Here, sales teams now get to know their customers and their needs better, which allows them to offer more targeted solutions for each one.

However, this is not a step that should be seen simply as an operational process, quite the opposite. Building a sales strategy and an appropriate approach to each customer can generate much better results than anticipated.

Have your departments sales and marketing very well aligned, as this will make it easier for your salespeople to use Rapport techniques to create more empathy when approaching your customers.

This will make the shopping experience much more attractive and pleasant for your customers, as there will be a sense of trust and closeness between them and your brand, making the process much more fluid.

5. Proposals and values

After a successful approach, it's time to send proposals and prices to your new client.

Knowing his needs well, and taking into account the information you collected throughout the process, put together a value proposition that is relevant to what he is looking for and needs at that moment.

A proposal that is personalized especially for your new client, using clear and objective language, conveys credibility and reliability. This will add value to your company and to your customer's purchasing experience, who, in the future, will be more willing to pay a higher price for a quality service or product.


6. Negotiation

After receiving the proposal from the customer, it is normal for objections to arise, whether regarding price, service or other factors.

Empathy and patience to resolve all possible customer queries in the best way is essential at this time. However, remember that being too lenient with discounts can be a double-edged sword.

Ideally, when closing a deal, make sure this is a decision that will benefit both.

7. Closing

After successful negotiation, it's time to move on to the penultimate step of the entire sales process!

With closing getting closer, it is essential to review all the conditions that have been agreed with the customer so far, so that they are also aware of everything and that there are no longer any doubts regarding the product or service they are purchasing.

However, don't forget to emphasize that the customer can still count on your company's service channels in case any unforeseen circumstances arise. It is extremely important that your client is properly welcomed so that their experience is the best possible throughout the process.

So, without any further objections, it was time to close and hire that client. But be patient and don't rush or delay this step too much, as this could end up being detrimental to the process, leading your client to have more doubts and causing them to end up returning to the first steps.

Therefore, make sure that your sales team is well updated and prepared to close as accurately as possible. Respecting the needs of each client and adapting solutions to their demands.

sales process

8. After-sales

We have reached the end of the entire process, the long-awaited closing of your sale! However, the work is not over yet, quite the contrary, there is still a lot to be done in this last stage.

Here, it is important that your customer responds to a satisfaction survey and still stays in touch if they need help with your product or service. Therefore, being available to help your customer at this time, in addition to adding more value to the shopping experience, is also a form of self-preservation.

Therefore, always pay special attention to maintaining the relationship between your brand and your customers. Because, a better relationship between the parties will provide you with better results when it comes to customer loyalty and retention.

Summary:To know The 8 steps of the sales process are essential for better alignment of your sales and marketing teams. By knowing your customers well, your company will be able to create more assertive strategies to achieve closure and customer loyalty.

To illustrate the 8 steps, check out an infographic below with the entire sales process flow:


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