The best way to get your educational institution considered at the time of enrollment is to invest heavily in the period leading up to that moment, so that, over time, the brand can be inserted into the collective imagination. The famous “those who are not seen are not remembered” is a cliché, but when it comes to digital marketing, this is an unquestionable truth.
With search engines and constant exposure to different options and stimuli, staying top of mind with potential customers is essential to the success of the enrollment campaign.
Because we know this, we have put together an uncomplicated and educational guide for you on how to use different marketing strategies to ensure the institution's success in school enrollment campaigns. It’s your school’s turn to be even more successful in capturing leads! Check out the post.
In this post, you will see:
Invest in organic, but also in paid media
6 best practices to increase your lead capture
Invest in organic, but also in paid media
It is important that, when building your strategy, not a single point is forgotten. And although many believe that investment is only in one of the two types of media, this is a myth that needs to be deconstructed! This is because, for greater efficiency, it is necessary to join forces and different stimuli.
Each of them meets a need, but this does not negate the efficiency of the other. For example: the main function of organic is to be there as a showcase, attributing authority and showing different points on broad subjects. Paid media is excellent for specific situations, such as specific campaigns. Being complementary, those who arrive via organic tend to observe content already produced and then formulate their opinion on the subject or, in this case, the institution.
Knowing this, now is the time to understand how different paid or organic practices make a difference when it comes to reaping the rewards of a well-organized strategy that explores different tools to add value.
It's worth remembering: for the strategy to work, the entire team must be willing and aligned towards this objective, working and looking for solutions so that leads are captured, but that don't stop there and can then evolve in your sales funnel until the moment of conversion for customers.
6 best practices to increase your lead capture
Do you want to increase your lead capture, but still feel lost, not knowing which actions can help boost your institution's results? The time has come to check out an unmissable list of 6 good practices that cannot be left out of your marketing strategy!
Take a pen and paper so you don't forget any of the options below, each of them will be essential for you to make important adjustments and implementations. Check out!
SEO for search engines
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be defined as a set of strategies used in the digital environment to follow the criteria of engines (such as Google) and categorize the content or page as relevant, enabling its inclusion in the first search results, being one of the main marketing strategies.
On the internet, the faster and easier access to a page, the greater the chances of a user becoming a possible lead. This is one of the best showcases for any business, mainly because, as it is among the first, the web page is considered more reliable and secure according to the standards established by the search platform.
Performing optimizations on your pages is an investment that will bring returns in the short and long term. Having said that, deepen your knowledge in SEO and adapt your website so you don’t lose any qualified leads!
Landing page
Known as a “landing page”, the landing page is one of the most characteristic items in digital marketing when we talk about capture and conversion, this is because its structure is designed to emphasize content or service offered in exchange for valuable information from that source. user, such as email. It is from collecting this data that it is possible to begin the process of nurturing and inserting this lead into the school's communication or relationship ruler.
Generally, its structure is very characteristic, being designed to be as sober as possible, highlighting important information and leaving mental triggers for user action. This is the moment when the user shows their interest in becoming a lead and, from there, it is possible to invest in taking them through the sales funnel.
Blog Post
Blogs are excellent channels for disseminating content that are not necessarily intended for immediate conversion, but which, through Inbound Marketing, create a conducive environment for capturing leads and the evolution of these users within their journey until the moment of decision. by the institution.
Content marketing is one of the strongest strategies in the digital environment because it works on relationships and gives authority to the institution. For example: a school that, as Inbound indicates, presents useful content for parents and enriches them with knowledge about school education is much more considered than a school that only shows interest in attracting students. Another ally in this case is the use of keywords.
Please note that this Blog post strategy is not intended to attract immediate attention, but to be positive in the medium and long term. It is a construction.
Holding offline events
In the wake of trends, we often look to online as the most effective solution. However, human relationships are still extremely valuable for capturing leads and creating bonds that generate results. So, also remember to invest in holding offline events such as lectures, workshops, symposiums and others.
In this more organic process, recruitment begins from the moment you register online, through a Landing Page. During the event, it is essential to create favorable circumstances so that visitors can leave contact details. Furthermore, it is necessary to strengthen the image of the institution, creating an organized event with a good reception to make visitors comfortable and enchanted by the environment.
Therefore, to build a strong strategy, it is important to be able to merge Inbound with Outbound Marketing, thus enhancing the chances of good results.
Being provided within the landing page, the development of ebooks is a way to generate interest in the user and persuade them to provide their data to then be considered a lead. In this type of material, it is possible to explore the three stages of the funnel— top, middle and bottom— in an extraordinary way, guiding the user and encouraging them to consume other types of content produced for capture.
As an example, we have a school focused on teaching teenagers up to high school. For this, there are two audiences: students who still don't understand much about the universe of entrance exams and the impacts brought about by this change and parents who are looking for qualified schools to prepare their children, increasing their chances of approval.
With one subject, it is possible to explore different themes for the ebook, reaching different personas and generating positive and impactful results on both sides. It doesn't always have to be a sale, remember: the important thing is to be useful to those who need your services, but are not yet in the final acquisition stage, whether on a blog, social networks or other means.
Well-defined personas
Persona creation is based on the study of the target audience and the development of fictitious profiles, but based on data collected to improve important items, such as tone of voice, language and approach that speak more and better to the leads to be captured by a company or educational institution.
For example: an upper middle class school in Rio de Janeiro that offers studies up to high school and invests in bilingual education knows that the approach to parents of young people who are the institution's largest audience differs from countries with lower incomes and, therefore, consequently, with different habits and ideals. Therefore, to invest in more assertive approaches and understand the communication channels with these parents, the persona must be the result of study, research and behavioral analysis of the sample already existing at that school.
Invest in advertising, but always improve your content!
An advertisement can be effective to a certain extent, but if the reality does not live up to everything that was said during the acquisition, it can generate frustration and the educational institution will still lose points in a very important aspect for any company: word of mouth marketing, that is, negative comments will be passed on and the discourse will always be in the opposite direction to that sought.
Therefore, also invest in internal improvements, increasingly qualifying employees and offering students a modern curriculum and environment, perfect for excellent learning.
It is necessary to be aware of social, educational and more efficient teaching changes, thus ensuring that the communication carried out is up to the work carried out within the school walls.
Reduce your bounce rate and boost results!
With the tips provided in this article, the educational institution will be able to chart a more assertive path towards increasing lead capture and, in the future, the much-desired conversion rate!
With relationship and strategic marketing through the use of platforms and tools, the team involved can have access to real data that helps to understand user behavior, meaning that the sales funnel can be adjusted to the needs and bottlenecks encountered during the execution of the project.
When it comes to digital marketing, there are no secrets or magic formulas, but with the right practices, it is possible to capture increasingly qualified leads that are susceptible to converting them (or their children) into students at your school.
Want to know how to exponentially improve results? Check out the blog post “How to reduce bounce rate and increase conversions?” and put into practice the actions that will make your educational institution an increasingly successful conversion. Read it right now!