Marketing can be a great ally of an EI, through students’ capture to their retention. But to make things happen in your company, it’s necessary to deeply understand educational marketing and how the student-customer behaves in it.At this moment an important concept shows up to those who are looking for efficient marketing: the buyer’s journey. Understand now what this expression means and how it can help your EI to increase enrollments!
After all, what is the buyer’s journey?
Content production directed to a massive audience makes no sense nowadays. Customers of all business kinds are more segmented and make it necessary to work with specific niches, if you want to reach the right person.
Even so, you can’t reach the right audience with wrong strategies - or maybe it’s an audience that is not interested enough in listening about your business. The buyer’s journey shows up to understand how to relate to the customer or potential customer from their purchase willingness.
The buyer’s journey is divided in some stages that separates the buyer (in this case, the student) in their purchases’ processes.
The first stage is the Awareness Stage. The customer has a potential problem, but they don’t know about it yet, that’s why trying to sell a solution to them won’t work.
The second stage is the Consideration Stage. The customer already knows the problem and is looking for a solution. The interested company might show different solving options, but without forcing the purchase.
Now, the third stage is the Purchase Decision. At this moment the customer considers the solution you offer and now you are free to use your power of persuasion to sell.
The student-customer in educational market
Buying journey fits perfectly in the educational field, but with some particularities. We created a hypothetical buying journey of a student who just finished their High School. And let’s consider that your company sells technical colleges.
- Felipe has finished regular school and has no idea what to do next: the student is off-school-days, he wants to keep studying, but also needs to work. He has no idea if he will start a bachelor or a technical college. At this moment he finds out about your EI looking for answers to help him decide if keeping studying is the best for his career.
- Felipe decided to keep studying and considered the technical college a good option: however, he still want to know more about the courses, how to juggle work and studies and how he can have the professional success he dreams of.
- Felipe has decided to start a technical college, but he doesn’t know where: he’s searching for EIs and comparing prices. Your company can produce some content that presents your teaching methodology, the benefits of choosing your course and success cases.
The customer - based on how your company presents itself - will be a parent or a student, which can change your strategy a little.
How does the student’s journey increase enrollments?
The student’s journey optimizes your marketing and you don’t waste time and resources on solutions that won’t bring the expected results. The approach is made based on the student’s interest and purchase willingness, which increases the chances of enrollment.
People rarely make impulsive decisions in the educational market. There is always research that can last months or years. So, it’s necessary to produce good contents and display them in media that are impactive and compatible with the customers-to-be-reached.
Stop waiting and start investing in the buyer’s journey. With it, your students’ capture will be more efficient. Do you want to learn more about the educational market? Subscribe our newsletter to receive contents that may interest you by email!