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Digital content, the future trends in social communication

Renan Andrade
Renan Andrade

set 16, 2022

Digital content: future trends in social communication - 4revops


Have you ever stopped to think about how you consume digital content? For over 15 years, our biggest source was e-mail and Orkut. Today, with new technologies, we are in another scenario, with platforms specialized in videos and even a new digital universe with avatars.

When it comes to digital marketing, keeping up with these new content trends can be essential to your strategy. After all, it is possible to take advantage of these technological innovations in your favor!

Inserting your brand within the trends of the moment, you update yourself on the new market and start to speak the language of your target audience within the platforms they use. In addition, by following these trends, your company can create more assertive strategies with these tools. Now can you understand the importance of social communication?

Certainly, the big brands have already understood this, as shown by the research carried out by The CMO Survey, which points out that investment in digital marketing grew by about 14.7% within companies this year alone.

And while we're on the subject of trends, I'll bet you're now wondering what's new for this year. But don't worry, we'll get there! Next, we'll bring you the five main innovations focused on social communication in 2022.

What will you see in this post?

Voice Experience

The rise of video marketing

Metaverse is the future

WhatsApp Marketing

New Era of Podcasts

1. Voice Experience

Have you noticed how voice technology has changed consumer behavior? Whetherto turn on the television, or to give Google a voice command to search for a new product, voice technology has been increasingly used by users and is a big trend for the next few years. 

Promoting greater practicality, speed and convenience, the voice experience is directly linked to the user's purchase journey, from the search in the search engine to the moment of his decision to complete the purchase. 


With the growth of the voice experience and investment in artificial intelligence, virtual assistants emerged! If, in 2014, with the emergence of Alexia, the virtual assistant controlled by voice command, it still seemed something distant, today, the tool is here to stay and shows that it is the focus of the public looking for more practicality. 

Assistants streamline the process and respond to customer commands. In a more humanized and personalized way, in minutes, you can find out about your object of interest or take an action. 

With machine learning tools (Machine Learning) and the emergence of assistants, this is a big trend that is not limited to this year and promises to win even more followers in the future. The reflection of this, we can already see now! According to a survey, Google Assistant is already on more than 1 billion devices.

See too:

2. The rise of video marketing

It's no secret that the production of content in the video format has been gaining prominence in recent years, you may have already noticed this within your social networks. Surely, before getting this far, you must have watched at least one video. The big news is the link between audiovisual content and digital marketing!

Audiovisual production marketing is proof that, if used correctly, new communication tools can leverage your brand! With audiovisual, your company gains space within the communication channels and manages to achieve the long-awaited engagement. 

In addition, videos are directly linked to the user's purchase decision. And if that's not reason enough for your brand to bet on this tool, we have some data to show that video marketing is the trend of the future!

According to a survey by Reclame Aqui, about 88% of people discovered new businesses from online videos. According to another survey by Google, about 55% of people use videos to choose whether or not to hire such a service.

3. Metaverse is the future 

Before you read about the virtual universe only in futuristic books or saw it in movies, we want to warn you that the future has arrived! The Metaverse, which integrates the virtual and real world, has already been implemented by companies and shows to be a great trend not only for 2022 but for the coming years.

If you don't know the subject well, let's explain it to you in a simplified way, okay? In short, the metaverse is a virtual environment in which you build a normal life, as well as your routine, doing everyday activities. It is possible to talk to people, go to shows, work, study and have a social life, only through virtual dolls.


Do you know The Sims? The metaverse is a much more modern and updated version, built closer to real life, and this new reality is all about marketing! The metaverse promises to change the way consumers behave, and those who are anticipating this universe will certainly be able to reach a new audience.

In addition, within this new scenario, there may be products and services offered only in the metaverse. Do you know the purchase process that the customer goes through until he finds a store or hires a service? He will take the same route inside the metaverse to build his life in this virtual universe.

4. WhatsApp Marketing

At this point, you may have noticed that digital content is essential in your marketing strategy, right? And when it comes to attracting customers, one of the most powerful tools is WhatsApp. 

Currently, the platform is one of the main means of communication and, of course, you must have the application installed on your mobile. By Playstore alone, there are already more than five billion downloads made from the platform. 

But what does WhatsApp have to do with your brand? Creating a connection with the customer is the biggest mission of companies, and if you are not "online" within the main communication tool, how are you going to build a strong bond with them?


As the Infobip study shows, around 80% of Brazilians use the tool to communicate with companies, answer your questions about the products, hire a service or even follow up on an order. 

That is, if before WhatsApp was just another way to send a message to that friend who lived far away, today, the application has become a direct sales and communication channel between the company and the consumer.

5. New Era of Podcasts

And while we're talking about trends, podcasts couldn't be left out of this list! On the rise, the new way of broadcasting digital content has gone viral in the last year and gained a large loyal following.

To make you aware of the subject, let's make a brief summary, ok? A podcast is an interview, like a radio show, that is made available online. Generally, only the audio of this chat is recorded and the digital content is shared on specialized platforms.

The content time, the chosen topic and the interviewee of the day vary according to the program. There is no rule for this, just have a good agenda and get into action. Now that you have a better understanding of how it works, let's talk about why you should introduce podcasting into your marketing strategies.

The advantages of producing this content are numerous, but among them, the greatest is its wide reach. According to Deezer, the number of podcast listeners grew by 24% in 2021 alone and promises to increase even more!


As shown by a study by Globo, Brazil is already the fifth country that consumes this type of content the most in the world. Here, you can already see why he needed to be on our list, right? If the whole of Brazil is listening to podcasts, this is certainly a trend worth paying attention to!

If your company still doesn't invest in the production of podcasts, it's time to start thinking about the subject and associate it with your inbound marketing strategies. After all, this is a way of talking to your target audience, consolidating your brand in digital media, promoting your services and attracting customers within the new platforms.

If you're curious about the topic and want to know more about the digital marketing universe, you can't help but check out our last post. Click now on the following link and find out how to use inbound marketing and what's new for those who want to produce a podcast. Access now:

Trends in podcast production for inbound content


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